Saturday, May 23, 2009

Planet Wise Wet Bags!

I currently have a Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag and I love the concept! you keep your dry un-used diapers in the front pocket and when they are taken of baby you put them in the waterproof section (never had a leak or smell come out!!) and you have a clean diaper in the same bag waiting for you! this bag is rather large to have in a diaper bag but works great to have in the car or suit case! they have regular just wetbags here in all sizes and you can get the wet/dry version in a hanging version as well!

planet wise

I have the aqua swirl pretty! and it has a snapping handle to hang off a door knob or to carry it by!


  1. I am wanting one so bad! i am using a pail now but I want to transition to a hanging pail. I hear so many great things about them. One day I will buy one and make the switch.
    Great blog btw!

  2. thanks :) I defiantly recommend these!! they are my favorite so far! but as far as my at home dirty diaper storage..I just use a kitchen sized trash can still..i love it haha
