1. What weight range was your little one(s) while wearing this fitted? **My Son was 22-23lbs
2. Did you use this fitted on multiple children?
3. Did you have a print outter, or a velour outter?
On a scale of 1-10 how well would you say this tester fit? (10 being the highest)
**a 10..it fit perfect, better than any other fitted I own!
2. Did you like the snap placements for the one size? Or would you rather have sized? (small medium large etc.)
**it was fine as is! but I dont have a tiny baby so I dont know how it would fit on a newborn. ETA: but it gets so tiny I think it would be perfect from birth and up!
3. Do you think the third hip snap is necessary to avoid wing droop?
4. Did you like that the insert snapped in? Or would you have prefered that it just laid in?
**Loved the snap in!
5. Do you think I should offer a hip snap cover, or front snap cover as an option when buying a fitted?
**yes and snap covers for the rise adjustments.
6. How did it fit around your little ones legs? Was it too tight or just right?**PerfectQuality
1. What were your impressions of the sewing quality?
**Looked Proffesional to me
2. What were your impressions of the snap quality?
3. Did any of the snaps fall off or not work?
**No all were fine.
4. Do you think the sherpa fleece inside was sufficient enough, or would you have prefered another type of fabric?
**I think it needs to have something more absorbant.
1. What detergent did you wash your tester in?
**Country Save
2. How many times have you washed it?
**Prepped it and then probably 10x after.
3. How did you dry your fitted?
**Hang dry or dryer. (on high if w/regular laundry or on low heat if with other diapers -BG)
4. How many dry cycles did it take for it to dry? Or how long in the sun?1 dryer cycle
**2 if on LOW with a large load
5. How did your tester hold up after a few washings?
**Looks great! the inside is a little dingy but all my velour gets that way.
6. Did you see a difference in absorbancy after a few washings?
**It got a little better but the pee still goes directly thru even if its only a tiny bit. *think i needed a different outer..this one spread the pee around.
1. What other types of fitteds have you used, and what brand would you compare your tester to, if any?
**I have a motherease's, a joyful baby and thats it. I wouldnt really compare it to the joyful baby because that one is a lot thicker (blulkyer) and holds more, and the motherease I've only used 2x...so sorry on that one haha..but i reached for yours the most because of the fit.
2. How absorbant was your tester on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best?
**Im really sorry but i would have to say a 4? if my son even peed a little bit the whole front got really wet and even my pul covers had trouble because the pee wouldnt stay in the fitted it would drip down into the cover into a little pool. like i said before i think its because of the material i picked for the outer.
3. Did you use this fitted during naptime or night time? How well did it work?
**it worked ok but couldnt also hold his pee from right after he woke up.
4. Did you ever use this on your little one with out a cover? If so, how well did it work without a cover?
**I did but i would have to change him after about 15min because the outside would get so wet even from just a tiny amount of pee.
5. What kind of cover did you use while using this tester? (Wool, PUL, Pocket, etc.)
**PUL and fleece. (worked best w/fleece)
6. What other types of one-size diapers have you used in the past if any?**BumGenius, another tester, 2 that i dont have a brand tag on any more, and i think thats it...
7. How much do you think would be a fair retail price for these fitteds?**10-12 dollars more if u add another layer in the front for boys!
8. Do you prefer knit print outter fitteds, or velour outter fitteds?
**I think if i had had the velour it would have been a lot more absorbant and not felt so wet on the outside. I would be interested in testing a velour one to test my theory
9. How many days did your fitted take to get to you in the mail?
**sorry i dont remember! but it was normal time.
10. Do you think I should offer custom slots for fitteds once I stock on my hyena cart?**Sure
11. Any other comments or suggestions?
**if you could add a few layers of something in the crotch section i think it would be a lot more absorbant for a boy!! let me know if u add more absorbancy I would love to test one again because this is the fitted that fits my son the best!
Its been another month or so and the more I wash this fitted it gets a bit more absorbant :) I would definantly reccomend this for newborns because it gets SO TINY!! and I think it would be highly absorbant for a small baby :) My son is just a SUPER soaker haha It still fits him the best out of all his fitteds and even better than his pockets!
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